Cost Reduction Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the common questions received about Cost Reduction.

What is a Cost Reduction Audit?

We will undertake a very detailed process of examining your business processes and will work to discover hidden cost reduction opportunities. We will examine the following areas:

  • Review of Contracts
  • Overhead costs review
  • Telecom Billing
  • Commercial Lease overcharges and hidden charges
  • Operating Inefficiencies resulting in wasted man hours
  • Information Technology Leases (hardware, software)
  • Evaluate any technology budget overruns
  • Compliance, safety and security audits and reviews

We will compile your current priorities and identify your top business issues related to security, technology and other areas.

We will complete a Comprehensive Site Survey as well to identify all key components of your overall business systems. This is process provides a framework to harness “employee knowledge” that can be applied toward the overall cost reduction strategy.

With this key data we can then use our expertise to design solutions that will bring you the fastest ROI and cost reductions.

Can we do this ourselves?

While you can certainly gather together all of your related technical and operational expenses to review them, it would be nearly impossible to recognize all of the significant cost savings that may be realized because of our technical expertise.

How much does a Cost Reduction Audit cost?

Many companies charge $600 to $750 for the type of Cost Audit that we do. At this time we are offering this service at no charge.

What happens if can’t save us money?

If we are not able to save you money we will tell you. In some cases we may be able to help you use the technology and processes you already have in a more efficient way without recommending any significant changes to existing systems. That is just how we do business.

Is the client obligated to implement the cost-savings measures recommended by

There is no obligation to adopt any of the recommendations that we will make. It is our goal though to be able to save your organization a significant amount of money by adopting our recommendation if it is the solution to your current problems.

What do we need to get started on our Cost Reduction Audit?

We will just need to schedule a meeting time to start the process. The initial meeting should involve all pertitnent parties in order to make the process go smoother and faster. You should also collect associated expense information that will allow us to make a comprehensive cost analysis. Initially meetings typically take about an hour to complete.

How much time will we need to spend with

Typically the initial interview will last from one to two hours depending on the size of the organization and the number of parties involved. Once we have done our data gathering we will get to work on designing a solution specifically for you. Once that is completed we can review the final audit and ROI assessment in a brief meeting. If you decide at that point to adopt the recommendations we will immediately schedule the implementation of our recommendations.

How much will we be saving?

The amount of savings will vary by customer. Our goal is to try to save you as much as possible. In some cases we have saved clients as much as $3000.00 per day. We never really know until we are able to review your current situation and see if we can find a solution that will maximize your savings.